Blogs > Pets Unleashed

Those who love their pets tend to enjoy all animals. Our animal owners are no different. Check in on News-Herald staffers Robin Palmer and Cheryl Sadler as they share their own animal tales and announce upcoming events in Lake and Geauga counties.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rescue a cat from the power outage

The Cleveland Animal Protective League has lost power and is reducing adoption fees until the lights come back on to help get cats into warm homes.

From the organization's website:
There has been no power at the Cleveland APL all day and we don't know when it will come back on. No lights, no heat, no phones. Many cats who were once in warm, cozy cages are now in dark, cold cages. So, starting Wed at 11am we're reducing all cat and kitten adoption fees to $5 and will keep it there until the lights come back on. They need warm, loving homes NOW! Please spread the word. We also need donations of towels. Finally, kudos to our incredible APL team for taking such amazing care of our animals today under challenging conditions!
Learn more about the Cleveland APL at  

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl

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Spitfire needs a home


This cute dog is looking for a home.

Spitfire, a young male adult corgi mix, is available for adoption at the Geauga Dog Warden shelter.

He was found in Parkman Township in August.

For more details on Spitfire, call 440-286-8135.

The shelter is at 12513 Merritt Road in Chardon. 

-- Robin Palmer

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ponderings by Picasso

I've decided that if everyone did one good deed each day, the world would be a better place.

So, today, I did not hiss at my sister cat, Lil Girl.

I only growled.

Baby steps...

Later, P

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ponderings by Picasso

I feel your pain, black cats.

As you can see from my picture, most people think I'm a black cat, when actually I'm a tortoiseshell (I love turtles).

When people see black cats, they think evil and bad luck.

Well, evil and bad luck are two things cats could never be!

So, humans, get a life, get a cat, get a black cat.

Just don't walk under a ladder.

Later, P.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ponderings by Picasso

Random ponders ...

* Thursday's debate would have been a decent cat fight if Joe Biden and Paul Ryan were felines.
I really thought I heard some hissing and spitting, and saw fur fly.

* Humans get flu shots and still get sick all winter, and then when they get better they say they're sick of winter.

* My human Mom has cable, but watches everything on her Tablet while sitting inches away from the TV.

*  A lot of people claim reality bites, but they're the same ones who love watching reality TV shows.

* Social media actually makes you less social. (take some time to ponder that one).

Later, P.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Halloween pet safety tips

It's fun to enjoy the holidays with your animals, but be sure to keep safety in mind.

I received this email last week with some Halloween pet safety tips:
Heidi Ganahl, the CEO and Founder of Camp Bow Wow, North America’s largest and fastest growing pet care franchise and INC 5000 company, has provideda series of tips below to help you enjoy your night out while protecting your pet.

Tips for Halloween Pet Safety

image from
· Fido may look adorable in his new superhero costume, but that cape won’t necessarily keep him out of harm’s way. Dressing up your pet for Halloween can be harmful. Costumes should not constrict the animal's movement, hearing or sight, or impede their ability to breathe, bark or meow. Also, it may be helpful to try on costumes before the big night. If your pet seems distressed or shows abnormal behavior, don’t bother.

· Before your pet participates in any Halloween activities, take a closer look at his or her costume and make sure it does not have small, dangling or easily chewed-off pieces that they could choke on. Also, watch out for ill-fitting outfits which can get twisted on external objects on your pet, leading to injury.

· Putting make-up or face paint on your pet can be harmful. Paints could potentially irritate their skin, or may be eaten. Even make-up that is non-toxic could cause stomachaches or worse.

· Candy bags are strictly for the enjoyment of trick-or-treaters, not your pet. Chocolate in all forms, especially dark or baking chocolate, can be very dangerous for dogs and cats. Give your pooch their own Halloween candy by treating them to their favorite doggy snack. If you do suspect that your pet has ingested something toxic, please call your veterinarian or your local control center immediately.

· Keep an eye out for decorative edible items like Halloween pumpkins and candy corn, when participating in this year’s festivities with your pet. While these are considered to be relatively nontoxic, they can be harmful, causing stomach upset in pets who nibble on them.

· Do not take your pets trick or treating. It’s possible that your dog could get spooked by a ghost or goblin and a dog bite or fight could occur.

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Ponderings by Picasso

I have to send a big SO (that's computer lingo for shout out)  to my canine cousin Callie.

I know I'm not usually a big fan of dogs, but Callie proved to be a cat's best friend the other day.

It seems a trip to the vet had Callie's feline sister in a tissy.

Kiki jumped in the back of the van and was crying about her impending doom.

Callie, a beautiful golden retriever, left her spot on the front seat to huddle with Kiki in the back.

That was enough to calm down Kiki, who came through her check-up with flying colors.

Kudos to you Callie for knowing what to do and jumping into action.

I do have one question, though.

Why when given the chance, a dog will drink out of the toilet?

Just pondering.

Later, P.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Have you named a pet guardian?

Fluffy and Spot probably hold an important place in your heart — and they should hold an important place in your estate planning as well, according to Hehr & Hehr Co., LPA.:
No matter how much you love your pets and feel they are “part of the family,” they are generally seen as property by the Cuyahoga County courts and are therefore treated accordingly.  This can cause some concern for pet owners who want to ensure their pets are well-cared-for and able to transition as smoothly as possible after the death or incapacitation of an owner.
One option which many pet owners are now exercising is to create a pet trust.  This type of trust is used to protect the pet in case you are unable to do so.  The trust will likely specify your chosen pet guardian, which can either be an individual or an organization.  This entity will be responsible for taking care of the pet either until the owner is able to do so again or permanently, depending upon the situation.  In the latter case, it may even be necessary for the entity to arrange to officially adopt the pet.
Read more on Albert G. Hehr III's blog post Naming a Pet Guardian as Part of Your Estate Planning.
