Temporary shelter expiring for 70 dogs from Kinsman

This leaves about 70 dogs that still need to be placed - and time is running out.
The warehouse provided to care for the original 162 dogs was only temporary, and the remainder need to leave very soon. Right now that date is March 25.
"The AWL team is working very hard and long hours to not only care for these dogs, but find them appropriate placement," animal advocate Marlene Kovacevic said. "They are also working on contingency plans for when they must vacate the building.
"Most all of these dogs are loving and sweet and are anxiously waiting for us to help them," she added.
Donations, adoptions, fosters and rescues can be made at:
Animal Welfare League of Trumbull County
545 Brunsetter RD SW
Warren, Ohio 44481-9600
For pictures of the remaining dogs and accurate, update-to-date information visit the AWL Facebook page. (Pictured above is "Female Pit #67 - Very loving. Likes to kiss.")
-- Sandra M. Klepach, SKlepach@News-Herald.com
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