Blogs > Pets Unleashed

Those who love their pets tend to enjoy all animals. Our animal owners are no different. Check in on News-Herald staffers Robin Palmer and Cheryl Sadler as they share their own animal tales and announce upcoming events in Lake and Geauga counties.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Ponderings by Picasso

I have to send a big SO (that's computer lingo for shout out)  to my canine cousin Callie.

I know I'm not usually a big fan of dogs, but Callie proved to be a cat's best friend the other day.

It seems a trip to the vet had Callie's feline sister in a tissy.

Kiki jumped in the back of the van and was crying about her impending doom.

Callie, a beautiful golden retriever, left her spot on the front seat to huddle with Kiki in the back.

That was enough to calm down Kiki, who came through her check-up with flying colors.

Kudos to you Callie for knowing what to do and jumping into action.

I do have one question, though.

Why when given the chance, a dog will drink out of the toilet?

Just pondering.

Later, P.


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