Socks, the Clintons' former cat, was put to sleep Friday at the age of about 18, having suffered from mouth cancer. The president's personal secretary, Betty Currie of Maryland, took over Socks' care after the Clintons left the White House. While Socks' relationship with Buddy the chocolate lab was bumpy at best, Socks acted like a dog, Currie said, and she took him for one last walk Thursday. What a fine ending for a tuxedo cat who began life as nothing more than a stray in Chelsea's arms.

Oscar nominee Mickey Rourke has lost two dogs this month, including 17-year-old Loki a week ago today. "All I can say is she waited for me and she fell asleep in my lap," he said. In her final months Loki, who is survived by Rourke's four other dogs, has been a fixture with
The Wrestler star on red carpets. You'll also remember him paying tribute at the Golden Globes: "Sometimes when a man's alone, that's all you got is your dog." At the Oscars last night Rourke also wore a pendant with Loki's picture around his neck. Now
that's a man who loves his dogs.
-- Sandra M. Klepach
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