Caroline’s Kid Cat Sanctuary, home to 270 cats in Concord Township, is in urgent need of everyday cleaning supplies.
Those include bleach, laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, paper towels and 33-gallon trash can liners.
The food cupboard is in need of dry and canned food, especially canned food and Temptations Treats (not dental).
Scoopable-only litter also is on the wish list.
Donations can be dropped off from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily at the sanctuary, 7394 Morley Road, at the corner of Morley and Hoose roads.
The sanctuary also is offering reiki appointments for cats.
For details, call Denise at 440-487-8511.
For more information on the sanctuary, call Judie at 440-449-3496.
-- Robin Palmer