Blogs > Pets Unleashed

Those who love their pets tend to enjoy all animals. Our animal owners are no different. Check in on News-Herald staffers Robin Palmer and Cheryl Sadler as they share their own animal tales and announce upcoming events in Lake and Geauga counties.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ponderings by Picasso

No time to ponder today.

My favorite TV shows are on:

"My Cat From Hell,: (Jackson Galaxy, you are my hero. You get those humans to change their entire lifestyles to make Kitty happy.

"Hoarding: Buried Alive (unless it's animals)


"Storage Wars." Yuuuuuuuuuuuuup.

Later, P,.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ponderings by Picasso

I'm really hot under the collar and I don't even wear one.

What has me so steamed is another story of some jerk leaving their pet locked inside a car when the temperature is as hot as hell (excuse my language, but fur is about to fly.)

The latest incident happened in a downtown Cleveland parking lot when "idiot owner" left his 7-month-old pit bull mix in a pickup, with a window barely cracked.

This was Tuesday when the outdoor temps were near 100 degrees.

Inside the truck? Well, we're talking hell again.

The dog was eventually rescued, especially after a TV reporter got involved.

The "I'm not fit to be a human" dog owner shrugged off the reporter's question about leaving the dog in the truck.

"It's only a dog," the jerk mumbled.

And you're not humane enough to own him, I say.

Every dog has his day...

Later, P.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Ponderings by Picasso

I am convinced that late-night commercials are designed to drive you nuts.

You can buy just about every stupid product known to man for the ridiculously low price of $19.99.

That includes Mr. Sticky lint roller, Mr. Lid plastic containers, Pajama Jeans and the Perfect Tortilla pans.

But, wait, there's more, and, it's usually some other stupid item they throw in for free.

As bad as these are, political commercials are even worse.

They are designed to drive you nuts during the morning, afternoon and evening.

Why can't all commericials be cats singing the Meow Mix song?

Later, P.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ashtabula County Animal Protective League could get $100,000

The Ashtabula County Animal Protective League is part of the 2012 ASPCA Rachael Ray $100K Challenge and is now in the running to win $100,000.

From the Ashtabula County APL:
Thanks to over 3,000 local animal lovers who took time to vote, Ashtabula County Animal Protective League won a spot in the 2012 ASPCA Rachael Ray $100K Challenge and will now compete for a chance at more than $500,000 in grant funding, including a grand prize of $100,000.

The 2012 ASPCA Rachael Ray $100K Challenge is a nationwide competition for animal shelters (and their communities) aimed at getting more animals adopted or returned to their owners than ever before. From August 1st to October 31st 2012, Ashtabula County Animal Protective League will compete to find homes for more cats and dogs than during the same period in 2011. Competing against 49 other shelters nationwide, the goal is to save at least 300 more animals.

“It's wonderful to see how the community of Ashtabula as well as the volunteers come together for a common cause—saving more lives. We have a lot of wonderful people who are working very hard preparing and planning for the months ahead—it will be tough to save 300 more lives, but we are up for the challenge,” said Tammy Dondorfer, Animal Welfare Director for the Ashtabula County APL. “Everyone who is committed to working hard to save more lives will not only help the dogs and cats of Ashtabula County, we'll also have a shot at the $100,000 grant which would fund an ICU unit at our shelter to help save more sick and injured animals who enter our facility.”

Throughout the challenge months (Aug-Oct) the ACAPL will be:
--planning events to help increase adoption rates
--running lots of promotions and discounts on adoptions
--asking for more volunteers and foster families to help us increase our adoption rates
--needing individuals or businesses to help sponsor the APL through this challenge: 300 additional saved lives will mean additional costs in vetting and spay and neuters

For more information about Ashtabula County APL, please visit

Sounds like a great cause, and something to look into if you're planning to adopt in August, September or October.

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Help Lake Humane Society by eating frozen yogurt

Dine Out & Rescue is a program that benefits Lake Humane Society, and is as simple as going out to eat.

When you buy frozen yogurt at either FroYo location on July 15 and present this flyer, 25 percent of your purchase to benefit the animals at Lake Humane Society.

When you eat at Ruby Tuesday in Mentor on July 24, 25 and/or 26 and present this flyer, 20 percent of your purchase will benefit the animals at Lake Humane Society.

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Ponderings by Picasso

Parade Magazine, which is neatly tucked into Sunday's edition of The News-Herald, is going to tell us all about the secret lives of pets in the upcoming edition.

Why do cats chase string, the magazine ponders.

Why? Because we can.

Why do dogs chase their tails? Well, they're just dumb.

Secret lives of pets?

Forget it.

Our world is too unique for you mere mortals to understand.

Sorry I had to rain on your parade.

Later, P.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

News Cat Gifs

The tumblr blog News Cat Gifs is exactly what you want it to be. Check it out. (I hope it's funny to animal lovers and not just those of us who are animal lovers and journalists.)

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fourth of July pet safety tips from ASPCA

Check out some more ways to keep your pet safe this Fourth of July from the ASPCA (originally published at
  • Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended where pets can reach them. Alcoholic beverages have the potential to poison pets. If ingested, the animal could become very intoxicated and weak, severely depressed or could go into a coma. Death from respiratory failure is also a possibility in severe cases.
  • Do not apply any sunscreen or insect repellent product to your pet that is not labeled specifically for use on animals. Ingestion of sunscreen products can result in drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and lethargy. The misuse of insect repellent that contains DEET can lead to neurological problems.
  • Always keep matches and lighter fluid out of your pets’ reach. Certain types of matches contain chlorates, which could potentially damage blood cells and result in difficulty breathing—or even kidney disease in severe cases. Lighter fluid can be irritating to skin, and if ingested can produce gastrointestinal irritation and central nervous system depression. If lighter fluid is inhaled, aspiration pneumonia and breathing problems could develop.
  • Keep your pets on their normal diet. Any change, even for one meal, can give your pets severe indigestion and diarrhea. This is particularly true for older animals who have more delicate digestive systems and nutritional requirements. And keep in mind that foods such as onions, chocolate, coffee, avocado, grapes & raisins, salt and yeast dough can all be potentially toxic to companion animals.
  • Do not put glow jewelry on your pets, or allow them to play with it. While the luminescent substance contained in these products is not highly toxic, excessive drooling and gastrointestinal irritation could still result from ingestions, and intestinal blockage could occur from swallowing large pieces of the plastic containers.
  • Keep citronella candles, insect coils and oil products out of reach. Ingestions can produce stomach irritation and possibly even central nervous system depression. If inhaled, the oils could cause aspiration pneumonia in pets.
  • Never use fireworks around pets! While exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns and/or trauma to the face and paws of curious pets, even unused fireworks can pose a danger. Many types contain potentially toxic substances, including potassium nitrate, arsenic and other heavy metals.
  • Loud, crowded fireworks displays are no fun for pets, so please resist the urge to take them to Independence Day festivities. Instead, keep your little guys safe from the noise in a quiet, sheltered and escape-proof area at home.
Previous post: Fourth of July pet safety tips

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl

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Fourth of July pet safety tips

We humans may enjoy all the food and fireworks for the Fourth of July, but they can be a danger to our furry friends. I was glad to get an email of Fourth of July pet safety tips written by Heidi Ganahl, CEO and founder of Camp Bow Wow:

4th of July Pet Safety Tips
1. Make a Plan – If you’re holding a 4th of July party or attending one away from home, plan accordingly. The safest way to keep your pet and guests safe is simply by leaving your pets at home or secured indoors. When it comes time for the fireworks, make sure your pet is secured inside without any escape route ­– try to mask the loud noises with a radio or TV to help ease your pets stress.
2. Relax & Unwind – To help ease your pet’s stress, spend the afternoon playing with your pet. By tiring them out earlier in the day, they are less likely to become excited too easily after being exhausted. If you do spend the day outside with your pet, always keep in mind that they need shade and plenty of water.
3. No Punch for Pets – We all know we slip our pets a little goody from the table here-and-there, but this holiday you should refrain from feeding them scraps. Certain foods can make them ill and cause stomach issues. Keep Fido on his normal diet of dog food and maybe a treat or bone for being such a good party guest.
4. SPF – Protect your pets from heat and insects that indulge at summer parties. It is possible for pets to be negatively impacted by too much sun, just like humans. However, do not spray your pet with SPF or bug spray UNLESS it is specifically made for use on pets.
5. Pay Attention – Make sure all food, alcohol and ESPECIALLY any fireworks are out of harms way for your pets. If they become curious and don’t have good table manners, your pet may jump and grab something –keep those things on higher tables or inside when you don’t need them.
6. The Day After – Cleaning up and making sure your home and yard is safe after July 4th festivities is essential. What goes up MUST come down – ensure no scraps or fireworks have landed in your yard, even already used fireworks still have dangerous chemicals and toxins still on them.

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl

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